Living Word Ministries to Haitians is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving the people of Haiti. Through discipleship training, church ministries, child evangelism, and medical healthcare, Living Word Ministries provides unique opportunities to grow in Christ.
Please check out our video to learn more about us. Where we came from, our needs and our vision for our future.

Since Barb and I, with the help of many brothers and sisters in Christ, started Living word Ministries to Haitians in 1989, we have enjoyed God’s blessings abundantly! It’s been an exciting roller-coaster with the lows not less beneficial than the highs. One thing though, the Lord has used all of you to make all the work He accomplishes through us possible; church planting, Bible schools, medical clinic, child evangelism and countless other outreaches are all things we accomplish together over the years, all for the glory of God.
Mission work in Haiti remains a great challenge. Please, continue to pray and get involved in any way you can, through volunteering and financial support. Many small teams have blessed us in Haiti in the past many years. They have blessed us doing construction work, medical clinic, VBS, puppeteering, pastor conference, and various other projects & ministries. Our Lord uses other individuals and churches that have provided desperately needed financial support to further His work in that impoverished country.
I am as excited to work for the Lord now as I was 30 years ago, maybe more so. I hope you are as excited as I am. Our great Redeemer doesn’t deserve anything less!
Serving in Haiti has definitely redefined what I thought being a missionary was. Many times it was not in “doing” but in “being” what God wants. It is a blessing to serve with Patrick in the work God called us to do. Teamwork was vital. I worked with correspondence, child sponsorship program, finances, and networking. Patrick was the teacher, counselor, the evangelist working directly with the natives. I enjoyed working in the medical clinic and translating for mission teams. It is beautiful to know that we walked alongside the nurse that is now serving her village. We were there through her high school years, then nurses training, and now she is the nurse to help her own people.
All Glory to our precious Lord for any success and work that has been accomplished so far with Living Word Ministries. We see no retirement in sight. As long as God can use our feeble bodies for His Kingdom work, we want to be available. The Lord has placed so many beautiful people who have a heart of serving to help us. Without all of us together, the load would be heavier. It is a blessing to serve the people in Haiti. God has truly been Faithful and our true Rock.
KK Village
Kingdom Kids Club is working diligently to reach the children for Christ at a very young age, before starting their teenage years. Too often we neglect to minister to children, or we simply don’t see that as important.
Children in Haiti love to learn and they love to attend school. Most children go to school now, versus 20 years ago many children never were given that opportunity, but there are many problems for a student that we help with.
Many children in Haiti have lost one, or both parents. We place these orphans with extended family members rather than building an orphanage. We help them in school by providing tuition, uniform, and supplies.
Living Word has opportunities for short-term mission teams. The most needful are construction and medical/dental teams. Although there is a clinic in Mayette, the hub of the mission, there are many outlying mountain villages with no medical availability in their area. Teams are limited to 12 people because of housing.
We encourage teams to have fundraisers to fund the projects they will be doing. Construction work includes building houses for village people, especially for widows and orphans & their caretakers. There are villages that need church houses. The mission compound has building projects upcoming as well.
Teams usually stay for 7-10 days, including travel days. The cost of the trip is the airfare plus $250 per person for room and board, which includes food, water, and fuel to get to the work site.